Waynesville Career Center Hosts Job Interview and Resume-Writing Lesson for Students
Students at Waynesville Career Center had a unique opportunity this week as Fort Leonard Wood Soldiers and civilians volunteered to assist in a job interview and resume-writing lesson. The event aimed to help about 600 juniors and seniors polish their job interview skills and resume writing abilities for their specialized programs of study.
During the session, students like Seth Richter engaged in discussions about their career paths, with Staff Sgt. Matthew Greene sharing insights from his personal experience working as a welder before joining the Army. The volunteers, comprised of personnel from various garrison directorates and units, acted as interviewers, posing prepared questions and providing valuable feedback to the students.
The interactive session not only helped students build confidence but also provided them with real-world insights into the job market. The volunteers’ diverse backgrounds and experiences added a unique perspective to the lessons, making it a valuable learning experience for the attendees.
The photos from the event capture the essence of the collaboration between the military personnel and the students, highlighting the dedication of both parties towards career development. The images showcase the enthusiasm and engagement of the participants, creating a vibrant and inspiring visual narrative.
Overall, the job interview and resume-writing lesson at Waynesville Career Center was a resounding success, thanks to the dedication and support of Fort Leonard Wood Soldiers and civilians. The guidance and mentorship provided during the session will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the students’ professional growth and development.
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