After spending nearly twenty years on trading floors in top banks in London, I have encountered countless young individuals aspiring to break into sales and trading. Surprisingly, many of them lack a clear understanding of their primary motivation – money.
Growing up in a low-income household, much like Gary Stevenson, I entered the trading world with one goal in mind: to amass wealth and achieve financial success. The allure of becoming a millionaire was irresistible to me.
However, in today’s landscape, students entering the trading industry often cite reasons other than money as their driving force. They emphasize the desire to work with intelligent individuals or thrive in dynamic environments. Only a small fraction admit to being drawn by the financial rewards. Yet, it is these individuals who intrigue me the most.
Trading is inherently about money, and working in this field revolves around the pursuit of wealth. Trading floors are not for the faint-hearted; they demand discipline, risk-taking, and offer substantial rewards.
Those expecting a cozy, stress-free environment in trading will be in for a rude awakening and are unlikely to endure. Success in this realm hinges on understanding and embracing its intense nature. While the pressure may be overwhelming and the atmosphere challenging, the lucrative financial compensation sets trading apart from any other profession.
During interviews, it is crucial to convey a clear comprehension of these realities. It may feel taboo to discuss money, but in trading, it serves as a crucial litmus test. If financial gain does not serve as your primary motivation, this career path may not be the right fit for you.
Fabien Bernier, a managing director at a leading US investment bank, sheds light on the true essence of trading floors and the importance of recognizing the role of money in this domain.
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